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Proud to be Canadians
Sun Dec 31, 2020

You are a very courageous man, Mr. Arar. I am very impressed with the way you have handled your media interviews since returning to Canada after your horendous ordeal. You have conducted yourself with great dignity and respect on every occasion, which is admirable to say the least. I can only hope that I would have the same courage and fortitude that you convey, if I found myself in similar circumstances.

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Justice and Peace
Sat Dec 23, 2020

I wish you lots of luck and strength in your quest for justice and peace. (Anonymous)

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Thank You
Thu Dec 14, 2020

Mr. Arar, it is the very few who stand up for the most basic and simple human rights. Your struggle has told all Canadians that we, as Canadians, can do better. It is your strength and the strength of your family through this ordeal that will make Canada a better country. Thank you. (Anonymous)

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Amazement of the Human Spirit
Wed Dec 13, 2020

Dear Maher and Monia:

You have done, and continue to do, more than seems humanly possible, to ensure that Canadians must recognize, take responsibility for, and change the things which resulted in the torture of you and the others. With each day that passes I see that in you, Maher, there is a spirit which is so strong that you are able to go on in circumstances which would defeat most others.

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A Fight We Cannot Ignore
Mon Dec 11, 2020

I am very gratified to see that you have forced the Canadian government and the justice system to face the wrongs of their actions. I will stand by you in your fight for justice knowing that it is also a fight all Canadian's cannot ignore. (Anonymous)

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Fight for Those Who Can't Speak
Sat Dec 09, 2020

Maher, I veiw you as a national hero. You are a man of great wisdom and courage. You fight for those who can't speak for fear of reprisal. Keep your faith, keep your dignity and hold your head high. I am sure that you are already doing so and this gives you the courage for the journey you are now on. May peace and happiness follow you and your family for the rest of your days. (Comments from Jeff A., Winnipeg, MB)

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Sat Dec 09, 2020

First and foremost, I'd like to express my deepest sympathies to Maher Arar and his family. How something like this could happen to an innocent man in a country that prides itself on rights and freedoms simply disgusts me to no end. For Commissioner Zaccardelli's inactions to hold those within the RCMP accountable for their misdeeds, he should not have been allowed to resign, but should have been fired. There needs to be a message sent to those in law enforcement who break the law. There seems to be a two-tier justice system in Canada: one solely for the police, the other for the rest of us. (Comments from Alex MacLean)

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Strength in the Face of Adversity
Sat Dec 09, 2020

Both Maher and his wife are examples of strength in the face of adversity. You deserve more than a medal for your determination to seek justice. I am proud that you belong to my country - I hope that you will find an end to this story, move on and enjoy life BUT be sure that you get the justice that you deserve. More people should be speaking out and demanding answers and then maybe this world would be more compassionate and caring. (Anonymous)

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Dedication to the Truth
Fri Dec 08, 2020

I'm sorry I doubted your story; I had blind confidence in the Canadian institutions. Thank you for your dedication to get the truth out. We need more people like you in this country. (Anonymous)

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