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May You Find Peace and Healing
Thu Oct 19, 2020

May you and your family find peace and healing. As an American, I am truly appalled and ashamed of my government. (Anonymous)

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Lack of Accountability Unnaceptable
Mon Oct 09, 2020

It is unacceptable that the government is refusing to take responsibility for the crimes committed against Maher Arar. By refusing to severely punish those responsible for falsely targeting Arar as a terrorist and violating his fundamental rights -- to safety and security, to due process, to justice, the right to know the truth of his case, his right to a full apology and compensation for his suffering, its regrets are hollow indeed.

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Keep the Faith, Maher
Fri Oct 06, 2020

As a dual American-Canadian citizen it angers me that the United States has implemented policies such as deporting foreign citizens who they have no jurisdiction and right over. Keep the faith Maher, your fight is much needed after the totalitarian policies of the United States. (Anonymous)

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Contact Your MP! Never Let This Happen Again!
Thu Oct 05, 2020

I have called my MP - Paul Steckley Huron Riding Ontario and discussed your situation at length. I said I never want this to happen to another Canadian again. On behalf of caring Canadians we are sorry. I have tears for you and your family. (Comments from Dave Leigh)

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