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How can they live with themselves?
Sun Apr 23, 2021

I am glad that you came home to your family again. I hate that the U.S. is behaving in this way. When I read the U.S. Declaration of Independence, the U.S. constitution, I feel full of admiration of their founding fathers and the insights they had. When I then see how the current U.S. administration perverts everyting that the U.S. once stood for I feel very sad. Why do they behave in this way? Why do they blatantly ignore the UN Convetions, the Geneva Conventions? How can they live with themselves?

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Keep up the good fight for justice
Sun Apr 23, 2021

I have been quite disgusted at the slow pace of the inquiry. It is a scary scenario when we cannot fully trust our own goverment to fight for individal citizens. ... Keep up the good fight for justice and accountability of those we elect and pay, and who should defend us. (Anonymous)

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So many questions I would like to have answered
Thu Apr 13, 2021

It is frightening to me as a Canadian citizen that the government let another of our people be flown off to another country. There are so many questions I would like to have answered, but most importantly, why did this happen? What happened to Maher Arar should frighten the world. I don't just think people should be punished, but our government should be ASHAMED! As I am about this issue. What do I want? No more delays in the public inquiry. ... (Comments from Natali Baird)

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This should have never happened
Tue Apr 11, 2021

I am extremely unhappy about how the case of Maher Arar was handled. It seems that people no longer consider canadians from different ethnic backgrounds as canadians! Hidden documents, torture, syrian deporation, all of this should have never happened. Hope you can accomplish as much as you can, Mr. Arar. Good luck to you and your family. (Anonymous)

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