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Absolute power corrupts absolutely!
Wed Jan 18, 2021

It is shocking what happened to Maher Arar, and what is happening still to countless others even now. To our shame the UK, and particularly Prestwick airport in Scotland we believe, is being used as a staging-post for some of these US rendition flights. Needless to say Her Majesty's Government are very vague about the matter but are under pressure from public opinion to 'come clean' with the electorate. It does seem that the 9/11 incident in New York unleashed a new United States of America - 'all powerful' as usual but now with no hesitation to stoop as low as they need to win their war. With the CIA operating under Bush & Cheney, the USA is a nation to be feared by all - even it's 'so called' allies! ... (Comments by Colin Sisk, UK)

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