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Disturbing Testimony
Wed Aug 31, 2020

One of my biggest concerns is why Canadian officials did not forcefully ask the the US to return Maher Arar to Canada. I am also very disturbed with Mr. Martel's testimony with regards to what he thought was normal jail conditions and what he thought was inhumane conditions. I can only say that that would have been very clear if one of this official's next of kin was in the same jail cell as Mr. Arar. (Anonymous)

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Government Secrecy for the Sake of National Security
Sat Aug 27, 2021

You didn't have a chance that fateful day at the Kennedy airport in New York. We Canadian citizens are paying the salaries of these less than credible officials who under the cloak of national security can jeopardize our human and civil rights.

It's just so frustrating to watch these proceedings and these lawyers jumping up and down invoking national security issues. (Anonymous)

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Public Inquiry?
Tue Aug 23, 2021

Mr. Arar, I would like you to know that I am deeply concerned for you and I am very ashamed of the treatement our so-called "public servants" have given you and continue to give you. It is an absolute outrage. Today is August 23, 2005, and presently I am "attempting" to witness the testimony of Rick Flewelling. I am digusted and astounded that these types of "officials" aren't being dragged out of the room in shackles for contempt of court. I do not accept the "I don't recall" answers so common in your unfortunate case.

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O Canada
Fri Jul 01, 2021

At this time of celebration in the sticky heat of an Ottawa day, I think of Maher Arar and what his vision of Canada must be like. His story contains everything that is true and wonderful and tragic and terrible about his adopted country. If we can ever get at the slippery concept of "Canadian culture," it will be through the prism of such people and their narratives.

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Racial Profiling Must Stop
Tue Jun 21, 2021

What you and your family suffered is shameful and atrocious. As a fellow Canadian I am ashamed that our country and government was pulled into this panic-stricken and thoughtless treatment of Muslim and Arabic people. People are responsible for their own actions, not for the actions of a few that may look somewhat like them.

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Alarm Bells Should Have Gone Off Sooner
Sat Jun 04, 2021

What should come out of the Arar Inquiry is a recommendation for the institution of a mechanism that would weed out racists from our police and frontline bureaucracy.

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Why was Mr. Arar Sent to Syria?
Wed Jun 01, 2021

Why was Mr. Arar sent to Syria? That is the real question of the inquiry.

The New York Times, quoting Rep. Edward Markey, seems to have got the picture: "The reason the U.S. sent Mr. Arar to Syria and not Canada is that Syria tortures people and Canada doesn't."

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Be Patient My Friend
Fri May 27, 2021

Dear Maher, salam (peace) to you from Africa. I am glad you're reunited with your family and I pray that your name will be cleared and that the people who caused you all this injustice will pay for it. Be patient my friend and may Allah (God) be with you and your family at all times. (Anonymous)

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Keep It Moving Forward!
Sun May 22, 2021

Mr. Arar, it is with regret that I say I have followed your story closely, as no man should have a window into that of another in the way in which your life has been layed out before me. That said, I offer my deepest support and confidence in your determination to seek the truth. We have entered an era of unprecedented government-sanctioned intrusions into the personal lives of civilians. This phenomena tempered with centuries-old bigotry has led you to the unfortunate situation in which you are in. However, it would seem that your determination will bring this to a more positive plane of understanding. I commend you, and I thank you. I wish you all the best and hope that you can find some sort of meaning in all of this, that which seems so meaningless and cruel. (Comments from James Hawley)

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Canada's Good Name
Sat Apr 30, 2021

Maher says that his focus is to clear his name. He's right; but if he fails, then we have failed as a nation to clear either his name or ours. Like millions of Canadians I am waiting to hear that we are not a police state. I want to know that nobody in this country can have their life ruined on the whim of a so-called security organisation. I want to know that those responsible for this travesty can be brought to justice and that the victims can be exonerated and recompensed - and quickly. Justice delayed is justice denied to all of us. (Comments from Peter Scott)

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Thank You, Maher Arar
Sun Apr 24, 2021

Your courage, integrity, resourcefulness and perseverance have made you a hero to me and many other Canadians. Please do not feel discouraged. Please do not give up. Try always to remember that you do not fight just for yourself, and you do not fight alone. You are in the heart and mind of all proud -- and ashamed -- Canadians. (Comments from Mike Pelletier)

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Shocking, Devious Events
Sat Apr 23, 2021

As an American, I wish to express my heartfelt apology to Mr. Arar for the conduct of my government. Much is done in present times in the name of security, and a large number of incidents are not legal, ethical, or humane. I cannot even begin to comprehend the nightmare you have been through, let alone the pain and fear caused to your family. I am truly disturbed and concerned by the events described. I am hopeful, however, that this can and will be the catalyst for outrage and ultimately vast sweeping change. (Anonymous)

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Ashamed That Our Government Behaved the Way It Has
Fri Apr 22, 2021

I support your request for answers and I thank you for your courage in asking and continuing to ask for these answers. They are essential for all Canadians. I am deeply sorry for what happened to you and as a Canadian I am ashamed that our government behaved the way it has. I hope that some trust may be restored through the process of this inquiry. I wish you and your family well. (Anonymous)

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Disgusted Canadian
Wed Mar 30, 2021

Mr. Arar, as a fellow Canadian, I stand with you in your fight and I thank you for your determination in your battle for justice. What you are doing is a great service to every Canadian and what happened to you is evil, immoral and depraved. The complicity of the Canadian government really sickens me. I hope you are well and I send you my best wishes. (Comments from Mark Orr)

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Rendition of Maher Arar
Wed Mar 30, 2021

I just wanted to send along my support for all of your efforts to push the Canadian and U.S. governments to give the public full disclosure of the events surrounding Mr. Arar's rendition to Syria. Let's hope that these efforts will help prevent this kind of thing happening in the future. I will also be contacting Geoff Regan (Acting Attorney General in the Arar inquiry). Thank you for all of your bravery and persistence. Good luck to you. (Comments from Susan Ballinger)

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Deeply Ashamed
Wed Mar 30, 2021

As an American, I'm deeply ashamed at what was done to Mr. Arar. I think the U.S. government policy of rendition to countries that practice torture is despicable. I support U.S. efforts against terrorism, but I think that kidnapping an innocent man for nearly a year without any explanation, trial, or access to legal counsel is morally wrong and absolutely unconstitutional. I hope that Mr. Arar's case will help expose the Bush administration's shameful policies and put pressure on them to stop. Thank you for speaking out about what happened to you, Mr. Arar. (Comments from Dan Lenski)

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State of Inquiry
Fri Mar 18, 2021

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Government of Canada wants to prevent a great deal of the information that has been made available to the Commissioner from becoming public.

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Do Not Give Up
Thu Mar 10, 2021

Dear Maher ... Do not give up, no matter how many roadblocks and governmental/political stonewalling tactics are used to keep your case out of the public eye. Do not give up, as you represent all of us who could be in the same situation.

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Sickened, Appalled and Outraged
Thu Mar 03, 2021

I want you to know how sickened, appalled and outraged I am by the Bush administrations's horrific policy of extraordinary rendition. I wish you every success in your efforts to obtain justice. As an American, I feel ashamed of the Bush administration's assault on human rights and civil liberties. As a Jewish woman who deeply believes in the values of seeking peace and pursuing justice, please know that I stand with you in solidarity. (Comments from an anonymous American Jewish feminist against extraordinary rendition)

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I Lost My Words
Tue Feb 15, 2021

I read in the Le Monde diplomatique this morning a description of Maher Arar's case and the new rights of the Canadian Goverment. I've lost my words. I can't believe it. I always thought Canada was a cool place to live in. But now I think Canada is a kind of hell ... like my country 60 years ago. I hope citizens will stand up against this rubbish. (Comments from Sven D. in Germany)

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Canada Should Take Full Responsibility
Fri Feb 04, 2021

Canada gave information to the United States on Mr. Maher Arar relating him to terrorism. This information prompted the U.S. to investigate him as soon as he came on American soil. It has not gone unnoticed to the world that , since 9/11, the U.S. has been on an aggressive pursuit to find terrorists in order to protect itself. Canada knew that Maher Arar traveled and had to know that its citizen was placed at risk for investigation.

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A Hero
Sat Jan 22, 2021

No matter what comes out of this inquiry, bottom line is that Mr. Arar has lost so much personally, that collectively the nation can do infinitesimally little to make him whole again, no matter what. Thank you Mr Arar - you are a hero for what you went through & how you are handling it now! (Anonymous)

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Speaking Out for the Muslim Community in Canada
Tue Jan 18, 2021

Being an Afghan-Canadian, I support your effort to clear your name as you are also speaking for many Muslims who are being discriminated against everyday in Canadian society. Keep up the hard work and we will always support your efforts insha'Allah (God willing). Please know that our blessings are with you, and we must all help each other to protect the rights of Muslims and other minorities in this country. (Comments from Walid Sharif)

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Outraged That My Government Will Not Come Clean
Mon Dec 20, 2020

I am Canadian, 11th generation. My family arrived here from France in 1654. I never thought I would see the day when a Canadian like Mr. Arar would would be stripped of his most fundamental rights because of his descendance, colour or name. I am outraged that my government will not come clean. Mr Arar has the same right as I and if his rights are denied whose to say that mine won't? Mr. Arar, I am 100% behind you in this battle, be proud of yourself, your battle is a noble one. (Comments from Donald Rouleau)

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That This Happened to a Canadian Citizen is Disgraceful
Mon Dec 20, 2020

I feel that as Canadians we must protest this disgrace done to one of our citizens. The Americans have no right to deport our people to another country. If it can happen to him, who's to stop the Americans from falsifying a charge against any one of us? (Anonymous)

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America's Post-9/11 Laws Should Prompt Review of Canada's Own C-36
Sun Nov 28, 2020

The famous American Civil Rights Activist, Martin Luther King Jr said:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

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Opening Submission to the Inquiry by the Law Union of Ontario
Mon Jun 14, 2021

In this public submission Mr. Paul Copeland, counsel for the Law Union of Ontario, informs the Commissioner that based on their extensive experience in National Security matters, the Union has concluded that when the Government makes the claim that "National Security" is at issue such claims should be scrutinized with a high degree of skepticism. "Unlawful activity, illegal activity, deception and male fides on the part of the Government or its agents have often been associated with tasks carried out in the name of national security .....", he argues.

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Submission by Ken Rubin to the Commission of Inquiry in support of the motion filed by Arar's Lawyers
Fri Jun 11, 2021

In this public submission Mr. Ken Rubin encourages the Commissioner to seriously consider the request made by Mr. Arar's lawyers with respect to the disclosure of information regarding Mr. Arar. "If they cannot at a very minimum have the Government of Canada disclose information and documents that are or have been in the public domain, then the Inquiry suffers", Mr. Rubin argues.

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